Sunday, September 21, 2008

Lake Powell 08

Bullfrog Bay on a calm and beautiful Sunday morning. Picture was taken from the ward house window. Pic on the left is Moki canyon, the giant sand hill that use to be there is not accessible by boat the water is too low. There was some wild life there, a small child looking beach gecko that was a real camera clown. He even had crude language skills some thing about gampa gampa gampa gampa, he possibly had some Linc to the Anasasi.

There was also some trophy sized fish caught and released. Alot of frolicing in the water and some great skiing and wake boarding. And finally at trips end there was an appearance by easy rider. All in all a good time was had by all. Those pesent- Jim, Deb, Nic, Jeff, Nate, Leslie, and Dawson, Linc, Evan.

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